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Animal behaviour


What are the mechanisms and evolutionary causes of behaviour in animals?

Between-individual differences

Why do animals differ from each other in their behaviour, and what is the value of these differences? What is self?

Genetics and physiology

I add genetics and physiological data to behavioural observation, to obtain a more complete view of animals' phenotype and responses to the environment.

Aquatic animals


I work on fish and invertebrates, both marine and freshwater.


Symbiosis: the way to the holobiont

How does the holobiont come to be? How do different species integrate their responses to the environment into one? Do holobionts differ in their individual phenotype?

Genetic basis of individual differences

Understanding the combined effects of genes and environment on individual phenotype - an indirect genetic effects approach.

Individuals in a social environment

Investigating the relationship between individual differences and social interactions: how they develop and what is their value for an individual's life history.

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